Hi! I’m an aspiring mathematical analyst and PhD student at Stanford, where I am advised by Jonathan Luk and generously supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Previously, I was an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University, where I completed the honors degree program under the supervision of Gautam Iyer. As an undergraduate, I also worked with Ian Tice on various problems in fluids and with Keenan Crane on problems in discrete differential geometry as a member of the Geometry Collective.

My current research interests are primarily in the realm of nonlinear partial differential equations, particularly those originating from general relativity or other physical contexts.

This site exists both in the hopes that someone will find the content here useful and to serve as some sort of documentation for myself; hopefully both of those goals are achieved to some extent.

Here’s a short list of some stuff I’ve done:


Using Bernoulli maps to accelerate mixing of a random walk on the torus

Gautam Iyer, Ethan Lu, James Nolen.
The Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 82
Preprint Journal

Surfactant Dynamics from the Arnold Perspective

Ethan Lu, J. Jenkins, C. Lee, Y. Liu, D. Reed.
SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, vol. 14
Invited talk at New Connections in Math 2021
Paper Poster Slides

Central Limit Theorems for Compound Paths on the 2-Dimensional Lattice

E. Fang, J. Jenkins, Z. Lee, D. Li, Ethan Lu, S. Miller, D. Salgado, J. Siktar
Fibonacci Quarterly, vol 58, no. 3
Invited talk at the 19th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers
Paper Slides


Various handouts that I’ve written, sorted in approximately reverse chronological order.

The site

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